When Jerry met Eric and Jillian Steinberg, they had two sons, Gage, 3 and baby Jax, 16 months. At 33 days old, Jax was diagnosed with Cockayne Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that involves progressive multi-system degeneration characterized by premature aging.
Shelly Maddox has two children, Ian and Tesla. Ian suffers from Sanfilippo syndrome, a debilitating terminal illness that has left him confined to a wheelchair.
Nash Ogden is 5. He is a red-headed boy with a big heart and a ton of energy. But he misses his two siblings.
Chanelle Billot is a beautiful 4-yr-old girl who was diagnosed with Retina Blasphoma, a cancer of the eye. Every year she will have to undergo a painful $4,000 surgery to replace her prosthetic eye until she’s 25.
Cooper Wilson, an adorable 18-month-old boy born with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in January 2015. Cooper spent the first 5 months of his life in the hospital receiving chemotherapy and was ultimately in remission.
Sarah Dolif is a single mom to two beautiful little girls: 6-yr-old Bella and 3-yr-old Sophia. Sophia was born with Holoprosencephaly, a rare disorder where the embryonic forebrain fails to sufficiently divide into two cerebral hemispheres. This results in severe skull and facial defects and can be life threatening.
Sunny Montoya seems like any adorable 3-year-old girl. But 18 months ago, she started eating dirt, sand and rocks...and lost interest in food. Her mom took her to the doctor to make sure she was ok. Sunny was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia.
Baby Mollie was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma in March 2016, the day after she turned 9 months old. After a series of tests and biopsies, it was found to be stage IV metastatic and categorized as intermediate risk. She began treatment immediately and has gone through four rounds of chemotherapy.
Patrick is a 7-year-old boy who was diagnosed with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in November 2013. ALL is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many immature lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). Leukemia may affect red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. He receives treatment at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children, which will continue until November.
Ella Silvester is an 8-year-old girl diagnosed with Extrarenal Rhabold, an extremely rare and aggressive tumor. Ella’s disease is extremely widespread and the prognosis for this disease yields survival rates of less than 5%. At the moment, she is undergoing radiation to two metastatic sites (brain and abdomen) as a palliative measure to try to slow the progression of these lesions. Her future treatment course remains undetermined.
Thanks to your donations, Caruso Family Charities is assisting with three months of rent, medical exams, dental exam, cleaning and x-rays for Kimberly and a custom-built car seat for Nicolas to help ease the burden. Nicolas gave us a huge smile when placed in his car seat for the first time.
Nathaniel Ybarra suffered from a rare brain formation disorder known as lissencephaly. Nathaniel’s mom, Brianna was constantly at his side, while his dad, Ray, worked hard to make ends meet. This little family struggled financially. Caruso Family Charities is assisting with living expenses, and burial expenses.